Rich Cromwell's trip to Cambodia
Here is the first post from Rich on his progress in working with the CIO Orphanage in Cambodia.
Here is the first email and photos from RIch describing his progress in Cambodia. Also is a thank you note from Sitha, the head of the CIO Orpahnage in appreciation of the school supplies, uniforms and shoes that were purchased from funds donated by the Bath Rotary Club.
Dear Caelie,
I wanted to give the Club a short update and in particular let the members know about the preparation for the first day of school...Nov. 1st.
The group photo is just before they went to school. It means a lot to the kids to show up in class dressed in bright new clothes courtesy of our Rotary Club. They look great, don't they?
In addition to the school supplies we have been visiting land, banks and government agencies in our quest to find the kids a new home. A picture is slowly forming but we have a long way to go. The "Elephant in the room" is, of course, the funding
Yesterday we bought bike parts for the CIO bike coral of dead or dying two wheelers....30 bikes but 5 serviceable. The bikes are how all kids from 5th grade up get to school...about a two mile ride. Tomorrow we'll be opening our little CIO bike shop with all hands on deck. It will be fun!
At nine this morning I have my second meeting with Water for Cambodia. We will be preparing the new survey and planning our community outreach that will take place this Friday. With community outreach we will be visiting the county officials and local chiefs, schools and some villagers. Our goal is to show that we are back and still serious about addressing their serious problems.
Thanks for your support!
Note from Sitha last night:
Dear Rich,
On behalf of all the children, many thanks to Rotary of Bath once again for generous funding donation with the amount of US$ 486.-- toward the purchase of school note books, rulers, shoes, school bags and school uniforms for CIO children for the new school year 2015-2016.
Thank you and Thank you.
Please find attached some photos of our children.
Love and hugs,
Sitha and Mom