Outdoor learning space dedicated at Morse H.S.

Outdoor Learning Space Ribbon Cutting

RSU 1 dedicated their new outdoor learning space today, Oct. 23rd with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Below L to R are Bath Rotarians Betsy Harrington, Rich Cromwell, Bath Sunrise President Al Mesrobian and Bath Rotarian Anthony Jamison in front of the new greenhouse. Proceeds from out 2023 Golf tournament went towards the construction of the greenhouse.
Outdoor learning space dedicated at Morse H.S. 2024-10-23 04:00:00Z 0

George Dole Bath Rotary 5K set for May 4th 2024

May 4th will mark the 10th annual 4-Way 5K walk / run & 10K run hosted my the Rotary Club of Bath. Last year the name of the race was changed to honor Rev. George Dole, a long time Bath Rotarian who in 1954, while studying at Oxford University in England, ran in the race in which Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile. A lifelong runner, George won his age category in several of our races. George passed away just shy of his 90th birthday on June 29th, 2021.
Online registration for this year's race can be found at https://runsignup.com/Race/ME/Bath/BathRotary5K
This years race proceeds will benefit the "Frazier Metcalf Swim for Health Memorial Fund", which gives swim lessons to all 3rd graders in RSU 1 Schools and the Rotary Club of Bath's Community Service Fund which supports local and international projects.
George Dole #15 far right, Roger Bannister #41 middle on May 6, 1954 at the start of the first sub-4 minute mile.
George Dole Bath Rotary 5K set for May 4th 2024 2024-05-04 04:00:00Z 0

Bath Area BackPack Program awarded Community Service Funds

President Michael Walton presents $2000 to the Bath Area BackPack Program. The donation is from the Community Service fund. Bath Rotarian Caelie Smith accepted the check for the BackPack Program. Caelie is on the BackPack Program board as well as bath Rotarians Jeff Labbe and Linda Sullivan. The BackPack Program serves students at Dike Newell, Woolwich Central, Phippsburg Elementary, as well as pantries at Bath Middle School and Morse High School. The BackPack Program also partners with the Midcoast Youth Center and the Bath Area Family YMCA's Veggie Van. Added this school year is Fisher Mitchell School. This donation will go a long way to assist the BackPack Program's efforts to alleviate food insecurity among students in the Bath area schools.
Bath Area BackPack Program awarded Community Service Funds 2023-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

Back in Bath - Annual Rotary Golf Tournament

The Annual Bath Rotary Golf Tournament returns to the Bath Golf Club for its 32nd year. The beneficiary of this year's tournament is Fuel Up To Play 60 Greenhouse Project at Morse High School. Join us on Friday, September 29th to have fun, play golf and benefit a great project!
Back in Bath - Annual Rotary Golf Tournament 2023-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Food Drive a success

Thank you to all who donated food and funds to the Bath Area Food Bank this past Saturday. We collected $776.75 and just over 800 lbs. of food! Thanks to the Bath Sunrise Rotary for your help to make the drive a success.
Food Drive a success 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Big Checks get distributed in November

Our Community Service fund assisted the Salvation Army's Emergency Disaster Services program with a donation of $1,500. The EDS provides support and comfort to first responders with hot and cold beverages and light snacks on site of an emergency such as a fire or search and rescue mission. At times they will also assist families affected by the emergency. The Salvation Army of Bath-Brunswick Emergency Disaster Services program serves the immediate Mid-Coast area. Pictured above are Bath Rotarian Lt. Tyler Adcox of the Salvation Army, Bath Rotary President Anthony Jamison and Bath Rotarian and EDS volunteer Rick Byrnes.
The Chocolate Church Arts Center was awarded the proceeds of this year's Golf Tournament, which totaled $13,500. Pictured are Lauren O’Reilly the Interim Director of the CCAC, Golf Tournament Chair Bob Warren, Bath Rotary President Anthony Jamison and CCAC Treasurer Miriam Jamison.
Big Checks get distributed in November 2022-11-09 05:00:00Z 0
Annual Bath Rotary Golf Tournament Sept. 30 2022-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

WASH Rotary Action Group video wins 3rd place

This is a chance for all of us to share in the joy that WASH projects bring to
our beneficiary communities.  The Rotary Clubs of Bath, York, Boothbay and Bath Sunrise
along with District 7780 supported this fun and rewarding effort. The kids learned about the 
transmission of germs by handing around a glitter ball. The children built their own Tippy-Tap
hand washing station and many requested materials in order to build one at home.
The link brings up a YouTube ad first...push "skip ad".
WASH Rotary Action Group video wins 3rd place 2021-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

WASH news from Cambodia

Rich Cromwell, Jen Merrill and Shelby Kaplan's recent work in Cambodia is featured in the February 2021 WASH newsletter. You can see the entire publication in the downloads section on the left side of the Home Page.
WASH news from Cambodia 2021-03-18 04:00:00Z 0

District Governor Visit

District Governor John Lobosco visited our club and assisted Foundation Chair Lee Patenaude and President Bob Warren with presenting Past President John Evans with a 5-time Paul Harris Fellow award.
District Governor Visit Caelie Smith 2018-08-08 04:00:00Z 0

2018 Golf Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities

Save the date: Saturday, June 23, 1 pm at Bath Golf Club for the 27th Annual Bath Rotary Golf Tournament. This year the proceeds will benefit Bath's First Responders to purchase life saving equipment. Download a team registration form from the downloads area on the left side of our home page.
2018 Golf Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities 2018-02-07 05:00:00Z 0

Food Drive Saturday, February 3rd

Thank you to all who generously donated their time, groceries and money to help the Bath Area Food Bank. We collected 820 pounds of food and $778 in donations. Your help makes a big impact to the Food Bank and those they serve.
Food Drive Saturday, February 3rd 2018-01-18 05:00:00Z 0

Salvation Army gets assistance at Kettles from Bath Rotarians

Saturday, December 16th was Rotary day at the Salvation Army kettles around Bath. Above, Lee Patenaude and Annie Merry ring the bells at the entrance to Shaw's. Below George Dole and Mike Jamison on Front Street in front of Renys. We were joined by members of the Bath Sunrise Rotary as well. A nice collaboration to serve the community during the holidays.
Salvation Army gets assistance at Kettles from Bath Rotarians 2017-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

26th Annual Rotary Golf Tournament set for June 21

Save the date: Wednesday, June 21 to Skip Work & Play Golf for a great cause. The 26th annual Rotary Golf Tournament will be held at the Bath Golf Club. Registration fee includes 18 holes of golf (scramble format), cart, continental breakfast, and buffet lunch. Download a registration form by clicking here.
Thanks to our Major Sponsors:
Bath Savings Institution, First Federal Savings, JHR Development and Springer's Jewelers. 
26th Annual Rotary Golf Tournament set for June 21 2017-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Fill-A-Bus Food Drive February 4, 8-2 at Shaw's in Bath

The Bath Rotary Club, in conjunction with the Bath Sunrise Rotary and the Morse Interact Club, will be holding a Food Drive to benefit the Bath Area Food Bank on Saturday, February 4 at Shaw's Supermarket in Bath from 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. We will be accepting food and cash/check donations for the Food Bank which is especially in need of donations this time of year. We will be handing out shopping lists of needed items that include butter and cheese. In the event of a snowstorm, the drive will be held on Saturday, February 11.
Fill-A-Bus Food Drive February 4, 8-2 at Shaw's in Bath 2017-01-16 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellow Awarded to Brian Hatch

Vice President Bob Warren awarded a very deserving Brian Hatch a Paul Harris Fellow award at the December 6, 2016 meeting of the Bath Rotary Club. Brian, who has contributed to the Bath community through his career in Education and Athletics in local schools, and his service to Main Street Bath as a volunteer and Past President plus his service to the Maine Principals Association and Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference as well as to the Morse Alumni Association, plus many other efforts and accomplishments. Brian's infectious enthusiasm and energy is inspiring and kudos to Bob for recognizing Brian for his efforts.
Paul Harris Fellow Awarded to Brian Hatch 2016-12-11 00:00:00Z 0

4-Way 5K has largest field of runners yet

The 3rd annual 4-way 5K run/walk had 107 runners who enjoyed a beautiful autumn morning and  participated in a fun event. Thank you to the presenting sponsor Mid Coast Medical Group - Bath and to the Bath Rotarians and volunteers from LifeChurch for creating a successful event.
4-Way 5K has largest field of runners yet 2016-10-09 00:00:00Z 0
Electronic Waste Collection October 22, 8 a.m.-noon at Morse H.S. 2016-10-03 00:00:00Z 0
Vocational House is ready for a new owner 2016-09-21 00:00:00Z 0

Above & Beyond Awards

New Members Recognized at World Peace & Understanding Dinner

District Governor put out the call to Club Presidents to honor new (2 years or less) members who have made a contribution to their clubs. I was pleased to award 3 of our club members with the Above & Beyond award for their efforts both to the club, the community and internationally.
Rich Cromwell was present at the dinner and was recognized for his work in Cambodia at the CIO Orphanage and also for his efforts to get water filters to the outlying villages of Siem Reap.
Sawyer Boulette started our first "4-Way 5K" in 2014. It was a complete success and was even more so in 2015. This is becoming a highlight event during AutumnFest in Bath on Columbus Weekend that is a lot of fun to help with and participate in.
Runners get awesome long sleeve tee shirts and a chance at winning cash prizes. We're looking at putting on our 3rd annual 4-Way 5K this October!
Liz Wyman took over the Annual Golf Tournament last year from a long time tournament manager and did a great job with the sponsors and organizing the event.
With a graduating senior at home and navigating big changes at the bank where she works, she managed to pull off a very successful tournament.
Thanks to these new members who have gone Above and Beyond to help the Bath Rotary Club succeed in reaching its goals to improve our community both locally and globally.
Above & Beyond Awards 2016-03-01 00:00:00Z 0
Work progressing on Vocational House building project 2016-02-16 00:00:00Z 0

Food Drive huge success

In just 6 hours we and our fellow Sunrise Rotarians helped raise just over $1000 in cash and check donations, plus collected almost a busload of food for the Bath Area Food Bank.
Bob Warren chillin' in shorts, with Liz Wyman and Tom Edwards.
Food Drive huge success 2016-02-06 00:00:00Z 0

Food Drive February 6, 8 a.m-2 p.m. at Brackett's Market

Food Drive to Benefit the Bath Area Food Bank
Saturday, February 6* from 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. at Brackett's Market, 185 Front Street, Bath
Needs include:
  • Canned Soup
  • Butter
  • Canned Tuna or Chicken
  • Canned Pasta, Ravioli, Spagettios
  • Baked Beans
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Peanut Butter​
Volunteers needed! Please sign up by clicking on the button below:
*Storm date: Saturday, February 13
Food Drive February 6, 8 a.m-2 p.m. at Brackett's Market 2016-01-22 00:00:00Z 0

Holiday Program at BRCTC

Morse High School Chorus provide Holiday Cheer at December 15 meeting

Members of the Morse High Chorus entertained the club after a fabulous lunch prepared by the Culinary Arts students at the Bath Regional Career and Technical Center.
Holiday Program at BRCTC 2015-12-17 00:00:00Z 0
Rich Cromwell's trip to Cambodia 2015-10-31 00:00:00Z 0

Free E-Waste Collection Oct. 24, 8 a.m.-noon at Morse H.S.

Free Electronic Waste Collection

Free Electronic waste collection will be held at Morse High School, 826 High Street, Bath on Saturday, Oct. 24 from 8 a.m. to noon. Anything with a cord and board will be accepted. Individuals and businesses are welcome to drop off their outdated, broken, unused and unwanted electronic equipment and devices. Secure data destruction is available for $10. Cash donations welcome.  See more information at www.bathrotary.org or by calling 207-415-3877.
Free E-Waste Collection Oct. 24, 8 a.m.-noon at Morse H.S. 2015-09-21 00:00:00Z 0

24th Annual Rotary Golf Classic held on June 17th - a great success!

Great job everyone on this year's tournament! The weather, the course, the volunteers, the players all came together for a great day! And Congratulations to Bert Wyman, winner of the Chelsea clock!

A team comes off the 9th green, which featured the chance to win a new Subaru from Bath Subaru with a Hole-In-One.

President Elect Jeff Labbe monitors the clubhouse during the 24th Annual Rotary Golf Classic.

Bath Rotarian Guy Saucier helps with sage advice during the 2015 Rotary Golf Classic.

Bath Rotarian Don Spann relaxes by the firepit behind the clubhouse.

24th Annual Rotary Golf Classic held on June 17th - a great success! Caelie Smith 2015-05-07 00:00:00Z 0
Clean Water project involves Bath students 2015-04-16 00:00:00Z 0

Final Dispatch from Cambodia

Posted by Caelie Smith on Dec 14, 2014

Rich Cromwell is back home in Maine and this is his final report from Cambodia.


2014 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project in Cambodia

The last week:

Our consultant, Kristen, and I met on Tuesday to conduct the final review of our “Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Survey”.  The insight that we have gained into water, sanitation and hygiene issues in these five villages is amazing and will guide us through developing a holistic, in depth action plan to address the villagers’ desperate situation.

The data is so comprehensive that it will also act as a baseline  and allow us, upon completion of the project, to measure our results accurately.  We were able to reconcile the villager survey with our interviews with the five village chiefs, and blending the results of those separate surveys gave us a lot of confidence in both surveys’ results.

Final Dispatch from Cambodia Caelie Smith 2014-12-15 00:00:00Z 0

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Posted by Caelie Smith on Dec 12, 2014

Bath noontime and Sunrise Rotarians rang the bells for the Salvation Army kettle drive at Renys and Shaw's today, braving snow showers and temps below freezing to embody the motto "Service Above Self".Image

Salvation Army Bell Ringing Caelie Smith 2014-12-13 00:00:00Z 0

Dispatch from Cambodia part 3

Posted by Caelie Smith on Nov 30, 2014

Below is another report from Rich Cromwell in Cambodia. The chief data and survey referred to is posted in the downloads section on the left hand side of our homepage.

Dispatch from Cambodia part 3 Caelie Smith 2014-12-01 00:00:00Z 0

Dispatch from Cambodia part 2

Posted by Caelie Smith on Nov 25, 2014

Rotary report week Two

The report of my second week’s work will be a bit shorter.  However, I have attached the questionnaire which we developed to interview the villagers and also the results of our Village Chief survey.

Dispatch from Cambodia part 2 Caelie Smith 2014-11-26 00:00:00Z 0

Dispatch from Cambodia part 1

Posted by Caelie Smith on Nov 19, 2014

Hello Fellow Rotarians,

It is Monday night the 17th of November here in Siem Reap Cambodia. My first week has been busy and in keeping with the schedule and goals established in our grant request.

On Wednesday the 12th I met at "Water for Cambodia" (WFC) , our Rotary sponsored partner, with Nthabeleng, the Director, and Kristin, a consultant hired to develop our village survey and compile the data we produce.

We spent a few hours reviewing our grant application and synching it with reporting documents that are commonly used in gathering decision making data that will be used in the context of a global grant.

I devoted Thursday to the kids at the orphanage we supported last year. A glorious touching day spent with healthy, joyful children.

Just a quick word about the political subdivision of Cambodia. Cambodia is divided into Provinces which are further subdivided into Districts, Communes and lastly, Villages

Dispatch from Cambodia part 1 Caelie Smith 2014-11-20 00:00:00Z 0
Bath Rotary Completes 23rd Annual Golf Tournament Michael Baribeau 2014-06-18 00:00:00Z 0
Bath Rotarian George Dole Celebrates Milestone of Mile Race Caelie Smith 2014-05-06 00:00:00Z 0

E-Waste collection nets over $800

Posted by Caelie Smith

Thanks to all who donated and recycled their electronic waste at our collection event on November 8th. A big thank you also to Rotarians Jason Ritchie, Lee Patenaude, Kim Brackett, Michelle Nickles, Carolyn Lockwood, Tom Edwards, John Evans and Joel Austin for their assistance. A special thank you to the crew at North Coast Services for their patience and courtesy and to the Bath Recreation Department for the use of their parking lot.Image

E-Waste collection nets over $800 Caelie Smith 0

86 Runners and Walkers Participate in the 4-Way 5K Race

Posted by Caelie Smith

A little chill in the air and overcast skies didn't dampen the spirits of the 86 participants in the Bath Rotary 4-Way 5K  held on October 11th. Congratulations to the overall winners Krystal Douglas of Harpswell with a first place time of 19:51 and second place finisher John Totman of Phippsburg with a time of 19:58. Thanks to all who participated and to all of the sponsors and volunteers who made the race such a success.ImageImageImageImage

86 Runners and Walkers Participate in the 4-Way 5K Race Caelie Smith 0

New members inducted on July 8th, 2014

Posted by Caelie Smith

President Lou Ensel's inducted 4 new members in ealy July: (l to r in photo) Barbara Whidden, Don Spann, Lesley Dollinger and Ed Rogers.Image

New members inducted on July 8th, 2014 Caelie Smith 0

Bath Rotary helps Patten Library with contribution for new readling room furniture

Posted by Caelie Smith

President Will Neilson presents a check to Patten Free Library director Lesley Dolinger. Fellow Rotarian John Sunderland and his wife are spearheading a fundraising effort to replace the furniture in the reading room. The furniture, purchased from Country Farm Furniture in Bath, should arrive sometime in July.


Bath Rotary helps Patten Library with contribution for new readling room furniture Caelie Smith 0
Bob Warren receives Paul Harris award Caelie Smith 0
New Members Andrew Deci and Liz Wyman Caelie Smith 0
Don't forget the eBulletin! Michael Baribeau 0